
Emerald Cut

Otherworldly and sumptuous, Emerald Cut Engagement Rings call back to another time, with a vintage feel that evokes old world glamour and sophisticated opulence.

The Emerald Cut is a square cut style, with sharp corners and straight edges, characterised by elongated patterns within the stone. The style possesses step-cuts that ascend the pavilion to the crown of the diamond or gemstone, creating what is known as a ‘hall of mirrors’ effect that creates a dance of light and shadow. The Emerald Cut creates a depth of symmetry that is highly complex and pleasing to the eye, drawing the viewer into the garden bed of the stone.

Our collection of Emerald Cut Engagement Rings takes full advantage of the elongated lines of this highly unique style, cradling the beautiful display of flashing light and rich depth of the Emerald Cut in a variety of sophisticated, classical settings.

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